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Tuesday 10 November 2015

Tropics Junkie

Nootropics Junkie Geniux review for the Ultimate Brain Booster 

A new revolution of ‘smart drugs’ is underway. These brain boosters promise everything from better memory to unlocking your brain’s full potential. Are these the chemical keys we have been waiting for or is the genius elixir still out there? 
Everything around us has at least some psycho-active effect. Bacteria in forest soil can act as prozac, mold in our kitchens have been linked to depression and chocolate contains a beautiful collection of tryptamines. We are constantly surrounded in a network of chemicals that influence how we function. By adding some or subtracting others we perhaps can find a solution of the increasingly demanding world we are living in. Visit To The Website for a world which demands more attention and cognitive capabilities and offer less exercise and sleep. After all, whole empires were built on coffee. 
The blend consists of the following: 
*** Piracetam (3g)- designed to enhance brain’s metabolism, boost information processing, attention, learning and memory. 
*** Carnitine (as Acetyl-L-Carnitine) (500mg)- can help increase energy production in the mitochondria aka the “power plants” of the cells and helps boost physical and mental energy. 
*** CDP-Choline (250mg) – helps support memory and focus. 
*** EPA & DHA (1.2g) – both essential Omega 3 fatty acids, they help the brain by reducing cell damage, inflammation and oxidation of cell membranes. 
*** Magnesium (200mg) – helps ensure proper cell signaling in the brain. 
*** Pramiracetam (300mg)- stimulates attention, learning and memory. 
*** Theanine (200mg) – helps relieve stress and increase focus. 
*** Tyrosine (350mg) – raises energy levels and improves attention and mood. 
The blend is a mix of cognitive enhancers that help with things like brain blood flow, neurotransmission, and neuroprotection and macro-nutrients, these are compounds such as amino acids and fatty acids that humans need to consume to live, function, and for metabolism. 
Geniux Ingredients and How They Work
Here’s where things start to break down. Nowhere on the website do they list of Geniux Ingredients at all. The only direct words on the subject are that Geniux contains 20 ingredients. 
 Check Out The Website that’s great (maybe), but we need to know what they are in order to know if this stuff has a shot at working. 
Advantages of Geniux
** There’s a money back guarantee (albeit it not a very good one). 
** Apparently made in an FDA cGMP facility, which is no surprise because practically every supplement 
** The Geniux Ingredients are said to be all natural. 
** There is some Nootropics Junkie Geniux review from customers to look at. That’s the good news.
 The bad news is that about half of them are negative, saying this stuff does nothing. 
It’s made up of a high quality combination of all natural ingredients that are designed to promote laser focus, increase memory, cognition, and energy, and help to improve overall concentration. 
Importantly, the blend was chemically designed to provide things that work synergistically together or we aren’t getting enough of in our diets. Like tyrosine which is a building block for neurotransmitters and magnesium which helps in neurotransmission (cell communication) and Choline, that’s a basic cell membrane component but a 2007 study shows that most people don’t get enough of it from their diet (comes from eggs, fish, cauliflower…). And to provide them at levels that actually make a biological difference, not just so we can list it as an ingredient which is what other supplement companies do. 
The main ingredient in this mix is Piracetam, which: 
*** Makes cell membranes more fluid (changes cell metabolism, reduces risk of clots) 
*** Improves mitochondrial function 
*** May improve connectivity / transmission over the corpus callosum (between two sides of cortex) 
*** Piracetam is virtually non-toxic. It has an LD50 (lethal dose 50: dose at which 50% of animals die) that is at least 3 times more than salt. (salt is 3.3g /kg, piracetam was not toxic at 10g/kg. (find out more about safety) 
We bring you actionable insights from world-leading experts in neuroscience and psychopharmacology — for the enhancement and protection of your greatest asset: your own brain.
It’s an all-natural collection of nutrients your brain needs to unlock your brain and unleash more of its full potential. By taking just one pill with water in the morning, you’ll find yourself with sharper focus and clearer memory, along with cognitive and physical energy.

Navigate to this website for getting more information related to Nootropics Junkie Geniux review.

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